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I would vote for the NDP because they support the middle class workers, making the rich people pay more, raising the minimum wage, strongly support social programs support a better education system, want to reduce the deficit and help to reduce poverty which are all things that i agree with. I believe there was a low voter turnout because a lot of the young adults are really busy cause most of them are just starting jobs, finishing high school, stressed about money and just starting new families which make it difficult to stand in the long lines and wait to vote. I believe that the people that are just now able to vote are really busy because there just shifting into a new life or which I think a lot of it comes from is that most of them just don't really care who wins or loses. I believe the liberals won is because most of the people that vote Liberal aren't part of the polls and also the face that most of the younger people were supposed to vote NDP but they didn't show up the reasons why the polls are so wrong is because the polls don't account for most of the people voting in the first place and due to the fact that a lot of the younger people that said they were going to vote for the NDP didn't actually go and vote which got rid of alot of NDP support.

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